I got a first picture of a Merida Shooting on the Connichi last weekend! A great thank you to @feline.pure for this very nice picture of you 😍 I feel so excited of the other pictures with @eresseasama as my Queen Elinor 😍 Merida is one of the best princesses next to Anna for me hehe ☺️ ♥️ ♥️ #selfmade #cosplay #cosplayportrait #sewing #sew #nähen#nähenmachtglücklich #nähenverbindet #cosplayerofinstagram#cosplayer #cosplaygirl #disneycosplay #princess #itsprincesstime#merida #brave #princessmerida #meridacosplay #disneyfan #connichi#connichi2018 #disneyprincess #cosplayergirl #hairstyle #crazyhair#orangehair #curledhair #bowandarrow #scotland #crazygirl